Saturday, July 5, 2014

"The Bachelor" might have ended its season Monday night, but fans of the ABC reality show are still buzzing about how much they disliked star Juan Pablo Galavis, who will go down as perhaps the most obnoxious "Bachelor" in the show's long history.

With that in mind, we've gone back to take a look at some other reality-show villains who had a major impact on their shows while being disliked by their castmates and the public.

Puck ('The Real World')

David "Puck" RaineyPhoto: Getty Images

The original reality TV villain was probably the first person to teach American TV viewers to hate homophobes. The all-around gross bike messenger — whose real name is David Rainey — was a member of the third-season cast of "The Real World," which was set in San Francisco in 1994. He made audiences cringe with his "snot rockets" and eating peanut butter from the jar with his fingers. But he will forever be known for mocking gay housemate Pedro Zamora, who was living with AIDS. When the confrontations came to a head, Pedro threatened to move out, but the housemates voted Puck out instead. (Zamora died from AIDS-related issues in November 1994, several months after "The Real World" aired.)

Puck has remained a bit of a jerk since then, and has been arrested several times, most recently on a stalking charge in 2012.

Richard Hatch ('Survivor')

Richard HatchPhoto: WireImage

The winner of the first season of "Survivor" was also the most hated cast member. Famous for competing naked, Hatch was labeled an evil and conniving "snake" by fellow contestants, but still went on to win. He had troubles after the show, too: He went on to spend 51 months in a federal prison on charges of tax evasion.

Teresa Giudice ('The Real Housewives of New Jersey')

Teresa GiudicePhoto: Getty Images

In a show full of awful women, it takes a lot to stand out as the worst — but Giudice managed to do it with a combination of meanness and rumor-mongering. Fans called her out for playing innocent while destroying lives and using her children as pawns in her twisted games by having them help denigrate other cast members. She famously flipped over a restraurant table during an argument near the end of Season 1. She and her husband, Joe, have pleaded guilty to 41 counts of bank, mail, wire and bankruptcy fraud and will be sentenced in July.

Jenelle Evans ('Teen Mom')

Jenelle EvansPhoto: Getty Images

The 22-year-old star of MTV's train-wreck reality show has gone through a lot, publicly, since she starred on "Teen Mom." She's had a son, who's in the custody of Evans' mother; used heroin; went to rehab; got in a domestic dispute with her husband; was arrested for heroin possession; and got pregnant yet again — then had an abortion.

Vienna Giardi ('The Bachelor')

Jake Pavelka and Vienna GiardiPhoto: Getty Images

When "Bachelor" Jake Pavelka chose Vienna, audiences were surprised he had settled on the obvious villain of the season. The two split right after the show, with Vienna accusing Jake of emotional abuse, and the drama culminated in a post-show special interview, where the two broke down into a fight in front of the camera.

Kate Gosselin ('Jon & Kate Plus 8′)

Kate GosselinPhoto: Getty Images

What started out as a sweet TLC reality show about Gosselin, her husband, Jon, and their eight kids soon devolved into acrimony as viewers quickly grew disenchanted with Kate's treatment of Jon and her seemingly endless appetite for shameless self-promotion (she even went on "Dancing With the Stars"). The eventual breakup of the Gosselin marriage was featured on the show — with Kate branded an evil ice queen —  and America quickly soured on her antics.

Spencer Pratt ('The Hills')

Spencer Pratt and Heidi MontagPhoto: Getty Images

He not only ruined wife Heidi Montag's friendship with "Hills" bestie Lauren Conrad, but, like Gosselin, couldn't stay away from the limelight. Montag isn't much better; she underwent expensive, radical plastic surgery, which she publicized like no one's business — only to later admit she'd made a mistake


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