Monday, June 23, 2014

  • Cassandre Fiering was substitute teaching in the Bronx, New York, when she asked her students for relationship advice
  • The students later told administrators and investigators recommended she be fired
  • She has since ended her relationships with both men

By Daily Mail Reporter

A New York City teacher has been fired after asking for relationship advice about her two boyfriends from fourth graders, investigators say.

Substitute teacher Cassandre Fiering, 45, even had the students role-play conversations with her about how she should talk to the men, who were both in their 30s, according to the kids - who were ages nine and ten.

She allegedly told them that they were her 'munchkins' and invited them to dress up like 'demons' and scare one of her boyfriends and 'toilet-paper' his house.

Fired: Cassandre Fiering, 45, was fired after investigators found she solicited her students for relationship advice

Fired: Cassandre Fiering, 45, was fired after investigators found she solicited her students for relationship advice

Ms Fiering called the Department of Education report 'lies' and vowed to fight her firing. She said the conversation was 'G-rated' and the students had fun

Ms Fiering called the Department of Education report 'lies' and vowed to fight her firing. She said the conversation was 'G-rated' and the students had fun

The bizarre counseling session happened in June 2013 at Public School 189 in the Bronx, New York, DNA Info reports. 

A report from the city Department of Education Special Commissioner of Investigation also alleged that she touched one student on the shoulder and touch two others on their thighs.

Ms Fiering says she was stuck with five fourth graders all day with no lesson plan. The rest of the class had gone on a field trip. 

She was paid less than $155 for the day.

She disputed the findings of the report and promised to hire a lawyer to fight her firing.

'The report is blatant lies,' Ms Fiering, who also works as an actress, told the New York Daily News.

'We were talking about relationships, it was all theoretical. It was an all-day situation and I was in the room for seven hours without a lesson plan.'

Mrs Fiering has since ended her relationship with both of the men - though the students actually gave sound advice

Mrs Fiering has since ended her relationship with both of the men - though the students actually gave sound advice

'It was also G-rated," she told DNA Info. 'I certainly wasn't talking about sex or anything.'

For what it's worth - the kids seemed to give good relationship advice. They told her to ditch the younger man, a mechanic, who wasn't returning her calls. 

'The younger guy was just a weird guy and I never really figured it out,' Ms Fiering told DNA Info. 'He was very strange and it upset me. He gave a lot of mixed messages. I think I just had to give up.'

The older guy didn't work out either for the Rhode Island-native. 

'He still calls and still likes me,' she said. 'He's very sweet, but not really right for me.'




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